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March 20th, 2013 By Carol J. Wilson
Pet Addendum: New rules for tenants with pets!
December 31st, 1969 By Carol J. Wilson
Well, here we go again getting the cart before the horse! The IWVGA is trying to get organized when there is nothing to do!!
I have an idea. Or two.
How about wait (I know that’s hard to do for some) until our elected officials who have been working on water issues for years see some results from their recent efforts regarding pumping and storage; Instead of continuing to be guided by the over weighted, proven-to-be inaccurate and out dated Todd report.
Vince Fong, our newly elected Assemblyman, is mounting an effort with federal agencies to pump and store more water from the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta. He is also encouraging bi-partisan support from state legislators.
This effort dovetails with that of Kevin McCarthy, our Congressman, in his 14 year long battle along with other representatives and Senator Feinstein, in the passage of the Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation Act (WIIN) in December.
The next meeting of the IWVGA could be used to discuss the impact and the progress of these efforts.
In addition to a local ad hoc financial committee for the IWVGA, how about liaisons to Fong’s and McCarthy’s offices for up-to-the-minute information.
This way the most relevant data can be included in the IWVGA’s decisions to form the agency.
With more than 40% of the state reported to be drought free , Kern County’s drought classification has been reduced from extreme to severe and the Indian Wells Valley’s from severe to moderate. This with more storms on the way. And who says praying for rain is fool hardy?
The Indian Wells Valley Groundwater Basin is NOT and never was critical as evidenced by this definition appearing in the Bakersfield Californian: “Symptoms of critically overdrafted basins include chronic groundwater declines, unreasonable land subsidence and significant seawater intrusion.”
Mammoth weather forecaster Howard Sheckter predicts our winters for the next 5 years will be as wet as they were in the 1960s if the models hold. There’s 25 feet of snow on the mountain now!! And when it melts, it goes into the local aquifers, the aqueduct and hopefully new storage facilities.
With the possibility, according to a January 26, 2017 post by the Mono Lake Committee, that Mono Lake may see a rise this year and newly available funding included in WIIN for another desalination plant in So Cal., perhaps the theft of Owens River Valley water by Los Angeles will be reduced so more water will drain into our basin.
Despite all this good news, the need to plan is still important. Especially for the storage facilities provided for in WIIN before the spring snow melt.
And who cares who gets the credit for forming the IWVGA? Get this task done the right way the first time. With all the information at hand and with correct guidance, the agency should come together perfectly in plenty of time.
Carol Wilson is Broker-Owner of
She can be reached at 760-446-5959 or